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Diary of a Time Traveler Part 11

People often feel that one person alone can’t change the world. These same people often forget all those individuals that have done just that with a single idea or action. An individual’s inherent creative and mental power is, more often than not, overlooked, or just plain taken for granted. There is great power within the individual. If every conscious being realized their intrinsic gifts, everyone would begin to see an unspoken language. The dialect would be that of universal solidarity; we are alive together; let’s enjoy it.

Equalizer isolated billions and killed millions more.  It was a low-level global crisis that had the most straightforward prevention protocol. Still, people thought that somehow looking out for others’ health and safety was an infringement upon personal freedoms. And no one made this more publicly evident than the one we call Entity. Entity made the Equalizer an issue of political posturing rather than following public health officials. 

The Entity was never meant to be a savior. He was meant to show how much one human can do. The Entity did exactly what needed to be done. People needed to be shaken from their indifference towards each other and their political systems; the Entity did just that. The Entity wasn’t the problem. He was merely a product of the corruption and division already inherent in the system. By embracing tribalism and demanding loyalty, he forced people to choose between a sacred document’s ideology and one man’s ego. He put a spotlight on the corruption for all the world to see. 

Traveler Diary Entry (Written while in Tether, November 24th, 2020) 
Birth Timeline, e.g., Timeline of Origin (BT): 33A-396 
Origin or Anchor Point: 2323.6.24.1230.30.10 

– Jones Silas Patten

Published inBlogTime Traveler